Empowering Skills QA Fusion Ltd's Manual and Automation Testing Course

There is no replacement for human reasoning, which make manual testing services an irreplaceable part of QA testing. The process of manual testing starts with the first stage of development to ensure that the precise analysis of the software product.

COURSE OUTLINE Manual Testing and Automation Testing

The following are some of the modules that are included in our testing course.

Module 1
Introduction to Software Testing
  • Understanding The Basics Of Software Testing
  • Recognizing The Significance Of Software Testing
  • Defining The Role Of A Software Tester
  • Exploring Testing Processes And Principles
Module 2
Fundamentals of Manual Testing
  • Introduction To Manual Testing
  • Techniques For Test Case Design
  • Executing Tests And Reporting Bugs
  • Managing Defects Through The Defect Lifecycle
Module 3
Test Design Techniques
  • Equivalence Partitioning
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Decision Table Testing
  • State Transition Testing
  • Use Case Testing
Module 4
Functional Testing
  • Concepts Of Black-Box And White-Box Testing
  • Integration Testing And System Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Strategies For Regression Testing And Retesting
Module 5
Non-Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
Module 6
Test Management and Documentation
  • Planning And Developing A Test Strategy
  • Estimation And Resource Management For Testing
  • Documentation Of Test Plans And Test Cases
  • Metrics And Reporting In Testing
Module 7
Introduction to Automation Testing
  • Basics Of Automation Testing
  • Understanding The Benefits And Limitations
  • Exploring Types Of Automation Tools
  • Overview Of An Automation Testing Framework
Module 8
Test Automation with Selenium WebDriver
  • Introduction To Selenium Webdriver
  • Setting Up The Selenium Webdriver Environment
  • Selenium WebDriver Commands And Methods
  • Handling Web Elements And Locators
  • Implementing Data-Driven Testing With Selenium WebDriver
Module 9
Test Automation Frameworks
  • Introduction To Test Automation Frameworks
  • Keyword-Driven Framework
  • Data-Driven Framework
  • Hybrid Framework
  • Page Object Model (POM)
Module 10
Introduction to API Testing
  • Basics of API Testing
  • Designing and Executing API Tests
  • Distinguishing Between API and UI Testing
  • Tools for API Testing (e.g., Postman, SoapUI)
Module 11
Test Automation Best Practices
  • Designing Effective Test Cases For Automation
  • Code Maintenance In Test Automation
  • Error Handling And Reporting In Automation Scripts
  • Continuous Integration And Test Automation
  • Test Automation In Agile Development
Module 12
Test Execution and Reporting
  • Executing Test Scripts Using Automation Tools
  • Debugging And Troubleshooting Automation Scripts
  • Analyzing Test Results And Reporting
  • Defect Tracking In Automation Testing
Module 13
Performance Testing using JMeter
  • Introduction To Performance Testing
  • Installing And Configuring JMeter
  • Creating And Executing Performance Test Plans
  • Analyzing Results From Performance Tests
Module 14
Test Automation for Mobile Applications
  • Introduction To Mobile Application Testing
  • Test Automation Tools For Mobile Testing (E.G., Appium)
  • Mobile Test Automation Frameworks
  • Cross-Platform Mobile Testing
Module 15
Test Automation with Cucumber and Gherkin
  • Introduction To Cucumber And Gherkin
  • Writing Feature Files Using Gherkin Syntax
  • Test Automation Using Cucumber And Selenium
  • Embracing The Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Approach
Module 16
Test Automation with Robot Framework
  • Introduction To Robot Framework
  • Setting Up The Robot Framework Environment
  • Crafting Test Cases Using Keywords
  • Creating Test Libraries
  • Test Automation With Robot Framework And Selenium
Module 17
Codeless Test Automation with TestComplete
  • Introduction to TestComplete
  • Building and Executing GUI Tests in TestComplete
  • Data-Driven Testing with TestComplete
  • Cross-Browser & Cross-Platform Testing with TestComplete
Module 18
Test Automation in DevOps
  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Integrating Test Automation into the DevOps Lifecycle
  • Continuous Testing and Delivery
  • Containerization and Test Automation
Module 19
Test Automation Challenges and Best Practices
  • Common Challenges In Test Automation
  • Best Practices For Successful Test Automation
  • Maintaining And Sustaining Test Automation
  • Code Review And Refactoring In Test Automation
Module 20
Future Trends in Automation Testing
  • Emerging Trends In Automation Testing
  • Role Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Test Automation
  • Integration Of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) With Test Automation
  • Machine Learning In Advancing Test Automation