Top 5 Critical Challenges in Automation Testing in 2023

manual testing

As the QA industry is growing, so are the challenges with them. The trends are changing quickly, so professionals need to be ready to tackle them. To become a leading name in the industry, QA Fusion has recognized some of the challenges of automation testing that many companies will have to face in 2023.

The reason for identifying these challenges was to come up with ways to mitigate the risks and offer the best results for the customers.

So, without any delay, let’s begin. Here are the top 5 challenges in automation testing in 2023, and the ways we are planning to deal with them.

Top Five Challenges In Automation Testing

1. Division Of The Tests In Automation Testing

  1. Usually, automation tests are divided into main two categories, known as smoke testing and regression testing. The biggest challenge in the project comes when it is time to pick the better option for the project. At QA Fusion, this decision is usually made based on the importance and severity of the project.

Regardless of what kind of test is chosen, here’s a breakdown of both options:

  • Smoke Testing 

    • 10 to 15 tests which depict that product is ready for further detailed testing.
  • Regression Testing

    • More than 40 tests are a part of end-to-end tests as well.

2. Troubleshooting Help

When the test seems to be failing, it is hard to pinpoint if there is an issue in the code or because the actual results are not the same as the expected ones. To identify the correct root cause, logs and screenshots taken during the framework can help a lot.

Since this process can take a lot of time to resolve the problem, it is one of the most challenging tasks for professionals in 2023.

3. Involvement of NON-TECHNICAL stakeholders

One of the challenges in the coming years for the testers is to make sure the clients understand what is happening during the project. To involve non-technical stakeholders of the project, e.g., Product Owners/Businesses, Analysts/Scrum, Masters/Project Managers, etc., at QA Fusion, we usually write our tests in BDD gherkin format. This is simple English language in Given, When, Then, And, Background syntax.

4. Test Reporting 

In many cases, HTML reporting is required to see the results of the automated scenarios. It is shown to the stakeholders of the project to help them in making decisions. It is another big challenge of 2023 as many clients do ask for HTML report and enhancements in that like adding screenshots of failed tests in the HTML, graphs, charts and attaching logs with the failed tests only to help them in troubleshooting the bug which has been mentioned before in section 2. 

5. Robust Automation Framework

Time-saving is another challenge in automation testing to the QA industry nowadays. However, do not worry as QA Fusion has a solution for this problem.

Make sure to store all your locator addresses on a single platform, also known as a central repository. This way, whenever the web elements are deleted or their addresses are changed in the future, as the tester, we’ll know which place to go. With this easy find, you can quickly make the framework runnable again without much of a hard work.

Which Framework To Choose?

Lastly, it is necessary to choose a tool that is right fit for your requirements. This is also among one of the challenges in automation. When it comes to making the decision, we have following choices to select from:

  • Selenium with Java, C#, Groovy
  • Cypress with JavaScript
  • Flutter with dart

Selenium with Java

Selenium is among the most common tools for automation testing, whereas Java is a commonly used programming language – and their combination delivers great results. In the industry all around, 77% of the testers using Selenium run the test using Java language. By doing so, you can use the test on any device where you can install the JVM. Its IDE is Eclipse or IntelliJ that are vastly used nowadays. 

Selenium with C#

The other option to use with Selenium is C#. It is the same as Java – Object Oriented language but its IDE is Visual Studio Community (free) or Professional (paid) edition. It uses the same gherkin syntax in BDD, with the page factory model but instead of cucumber we use spec flow and instead junit we use NUnit. For API testing, we use RestSharp instead of the RestAssured 3rd party plugin.  

Selenium with Groovy

Lastly, many projects may require the use of Selenium with Groovy. It uses the Geb, Spock framework and IDE used is IntelliJ. 

Cypress with JavaScript

The demand for automation testing using Cypress with JavaScript has increased overall over several past years since the quick delivery of the projects is required. This is the reason, at QA Fusion we offer this for our clients.

Flutter with Dart

This is an important framework since it can offer many benefits like it has the same business language across all platforms (Web, iOS, Android), and it shortens the developer’s coding time. Its IDE is Visual Code or Android Studio. 

With high competition, the challenges in the automation testing industry have increased a lot, and are expected to increase more. Though there are many challenges, these 5 are the most critical ones expected in the year 2023.

QA Fusion is ready for the test automation challenges and has plans to resolve them for its customers so they don’t have to face these problems in their automation testing process.